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Popcorn Shed Popcorn Reviewed!

2 April 2019
 Ive been on a blogging break AGAIN! I just cant seem to get the hang of the blogging and working full time and working another job! But i am back and hopefully for good this time.

I am starting off my return with a review from The Popcorn Shed i apologise because i did get sent this back in December or maybe even November last year.

I recieved a few small packs so i could try all the different varieties available and then i received two larger sizes packs to enjoy. If you love popcorn then i know you will love this brand, these have such a wide variety of different flavours, so many that i hadn't even tried before.

The flavours: Pop n Choc, Salted Caramel, Pecan Pie, Butterfly Nuts, Berrylicous, Say Cheese and Sweet Chestnuts.

I was most excited to try Say Cheese as I'm a big cheese lover, if your a cheese lover like me then you would love these because they literally don't get any cheesier! Another favourite of mine was the salted caramel, this is the perfect mixture of sweet and savoury! I would definitely repurchase these two again! If you like the mix of sweet and savoury you would also love the Sweet Cheeses flavour as this is the perfect combination, it takes the edge of the cheesiness by adding some sweet caramel. The Pop n Choc was also lovely, but a bit similar to something that i have tried before so nice but nothing new i would recommend try any of the above flavour instead as they are unique flavours.

Now i don't like nuts so i got my mum to try out the Butterly Nuts and she loved it, she definitely recommends this and would buy it again.

You can find The Popcorn Shed here:

*Post contains gifted items 

Island Of Paradise Fake Tan Review

5 February 2019

Self Tanning Water
Ive tried this tan a couple of times so i give a full review, i must say i was sceptical its it being water and not knowing what this would be like to apply and i must say it was a bit of trial and experiment to begin with. Overall i do love the colour this gives I'm really pale and this isn't too orange it gives a perfect glowy, bronzed look. I applied this with a tanning mit, you just have to be extra careful to make sure to get all areas as you this has no colour and ensure its blended well, it does take some time getting used to but once you have you'll love it!

Self Tanning Drops 
Ok so you could say that I'm slightly obsessed with this product now I've been using it for two months now so i have give it a good go before writing this review. Firstly i apply this by putting one or two drops in my moisturiser before bed, be careful these can leave a fake tan stain on your hands so I've been applying using gloves to avoid this and it works a treat. Then you just apply this like normal moisturiser and its that simple, i don't use this every night i tend to do every other night and alternate between one or two drops depending on how dark i want it. I love the colour this gives off, its not a orangey tone is more of a glowy look which honestly now i cant live without! 
Highly recommend to anyone! 

You can find them here: Isle Of Paradise 

Mario Badescu Skincare Review!

8 January 2019
Its been a while again... this is becoming a regular occurrence, life is getting in the way and i never ever seem to make the time to blog anymore but I'm not forcing it I'm just going with the flow and writing when i feel like it! My skin has been awful at the moment so I've been trying out new skincare, hoping this new routine makes a difference and it has been so i thought id write a review as i know Mario Badescu are talked about quite a lot!

Mario Badescu Skincare Set, drying lotion,

Facial Spray- this is is the one product i just knew i would love and i wasn't wrong, i really do love using this product. I use it in the morning when i wake up and of a night after I've done by skincare routine, this just makes your skin feel so fresh and wakes me up of a morning. I also have been finding it handy to have in my bag, i don't know about you but when I'm in work and I've had my makeup on for a long period of time it makes my skin feel all dry so this is perfect. You can find it here

Enzyme Cleansing Gel- this product was one that i wasn't that excited to try as I've got tons of products similar but honestly I've been using this every night and applying with a    facial sponge and theres something about this that i just love. It feels like i really digs deep to clean the skin, afterwards my skin looks and feels so fresh and soft!

Silver Powder- Again another product i have been loving, this literally looks like a paste that you put on your wet skin, this then dries and aims to minimise pores whilst also getting rid of dirt and black heads. I suffer with large pores next to my nose and on chin and I've been using this twice a week and really notice the difference, pores appear smaller and i don't seem to be getting as many black heads. 

I'm not going to lie i haven't yet tried out the Flower and Tonic Mask because i have so many similar products open so i don't want to open this before using them up but ill update this post when i do get round to doing so. 

Mario Badescu Skincare Set, drying lotion,

Drying lotion- this was the whole reason i wanted this set, i suffer really bad with spots i don't have acne but i get a lot of spots on my chin and forehead, these spots tend to just leave red marks on my face for a long period of time which is so frustrating especially when i don't want to wear much makeup for work. So I've been leaving this on my spots overnight and washing off in the morning. I had worried that with me having eczema and therefore having really dry skin this would make my skin even drier therefore i am careful upon application and just apply on the small area were the spots are. Overall i have notice a difference i wake up and i feel like the spots are less visible which is exactly what i want!

Overall i really love this set and do think it has given be better skin although i think sticking to any skin care routine is bound to help! 

Pixi Glow Collection!

27 October 2018
Dont Pixi just do the best PR packages, i may be bias but hay ho i literally live for them. Although i have to say how lucky am i to receive a package like this?! Their packaging was on point as usual with this package. 

 Fairy Lights Liquid Eye Glimmers

Not going to lie, i was sceptical about these when they first arrived as i had never tried liquid eye shadow before, but boy did these impress. I used these over the top of my shadow to add a glitter effect, and the pay off is insane (wish i would of swatched them now, would of been a good hay).

Glow-y Gossamer Duos

I am forever on a search for 'the perfect' highlighter its one product I've never found a favourite off. These have become a everyday favourite of mine, although they aren't my favourite for nights out or dressy occasions these add such a gorgeous subtle glow and makes your skin look super natural and flawless. The formula is also fab as it isn't too powdery which i do find with some highlighters which end up coming chalky, this is just the right consistency! 

Honestly Pixi never disappoint me, although I get sent products to review it goes without saying that my opinions are honest and truthful and i genuinely buy Pixi products myself. Ever since i tried glow tonic I've never gone back! But overall i never have a negative thing to say, i would highly recommend them to anyone!

You can check them out here: Pixi Beauty

What I Got For My Birthday

30 September 2018

So it was my 22nd birthday on the 2nd August so i thought id show you guys what i got as i know loads of people love this kinda post. 
Also i haven't blogged in the longest time as I've been finishing my master degree but its done so I'm back here for long haul!

P.S. you might think theres a home theme to my presents, i don't need anything at all so my parents always get me home bits for when i move out and i store them away! 

Hope you enjoy. 

How gorgeous is this gin glass!

How cute is this vase!

I had wanted a Tiffany necklace for the longest time so my boyfriend very kindly got me a blue box with a necklace of course!

I had also wanted to try this for so long it literally changed the colour of your drink and makes it sparkly! 

These are cute little accessories for around your glass!

 I love Burt Bee's so little set was perfect! 

My sister always gets me a pair of socks for birthdays and christmas and im obsessed with unicorns so she did good!

How cute is this necklace my sisters boyfriend picked out for me!


These are more little house bits my mum and dad, well my mum picked up for me! 

Another thing I'm obsessed with is glasses and i have a collection of gold glasses going on so this was another welcomed addition to the family! 

My boyfriends parents picked this out for me as id been saying i wanted a hoodie for the new autumn season!

How cute are these gym leggings, my mum got these as i said I'm going to start at the gym this month!

 This was a present from my sister, the photo does it no justice but  i was in a rush so excuse the photography of this post but i love Calvin Klein so i cant wait to wear this from the upcoming season!

These were one of my favourite presents i love Kate Spade so i was over the moon to get these glasses. 

I love Huda Beauty so i couldn't wait to use this and i can confirm its amazing! 

Again another glass to add to my collection!

I thought this was a very thoughtful present from my boyfriend and i cant wait to find it a place to go up!

Lastly was this purse from my sister, i have a big ted baker purse but id been wanting a smaller one for days when I'm not taking a huge bag out!

UltraSun Suntan Lotion Review!

28 August 2018
So i was recently sent over some suntan lotion to try before my holiday, if you didnt know because i  havent blogged in like forever last month I went away to Spain so i tested out all these products while i was.

Ultrasun are brand that has been going for around 20 years providing lotion for those with sensitive skin. For someone who suffers with eczema and super sensitive skin this was music to my ears as i find suntan lotion alway reacts to my skin. 

Ultrasun Family SPF 30

So i picked the family size high protection 30 spy suntan lotion, i used this on holiday for everywhere but my face and i really enjoyed using it. I didnt really burn and if i did that was my fault not the suntan lotion. I cant fault this product, if you didnt know i have eczema so often react to suntan lotion and it can also make my skin feel quite itchy and i was very very happy that this one worked a dream! 

Ultrasun Anti- Age SPF 30
This was actually the product i was excited to see most as i was in desperate need to get a suntan lotion that was specifically just for more face as a lot of them seem to clog up my pores and i end up with spots on holiday which is definitely not what i want! I used this everyday whilst i was on holiday and its definitely going to be my go to! I didn't burn, it didn't react with my extremely sensitive skin and most of all it did not break me out in spots so i have nothing but good things to say about this product! 

Ultrasun Anti- Age Tinted SPF 50

I mainly wanted this product for in the U.K. because i think a lot of people will admit they shy away from using protection when in the uk and often think oh its not that sunny but the sun can still be doing damage to your skin even if its not a scorcher of a day.  So I've been wearing this in the summer days rather than using foundation, this just feels as though your wearing moisturiser and doesn't feel heavy on your skin at all. Again this didnt react with my skin luckily and didnt break me out so i would highly recommend this to any sensitive skin or not!

Ultrasun Face Overnight Recovery Mask

I used this on holiday each day after being in the sun all day. Whilst i was on holiday i did get a bit of sun burn around my eyes and on a general basis the sun does dry out my skin, upon applying this felt like it instantly cooled my skin down almost like after sun. This also left my skin really hydrated i didn't even feel the need for moisturiser which is new for me!
I would highly recommend this to anyone who is going away and suffers from dry skin or even just irritated skin after being in the sun.

You can check out the full range here. 

Face masks by M&S Beauty!

19 June 2018

So its been a while since i managed to get a blog post up, although i feel like i say that every time i put up a new post! But if you don't follow me on social media i recently finished uni classes, started my dissertation and got a new job so life has been a bit hectic at the moment but i plan to stay on top of my blog posts from now on!

So i recently got sent over this amazing parcel by the lovely people at M&S Beauty, i am a huge skincare fan, having eczema i have no choice but to take care of my skin. At the minute I'm really struggling with breakouts, annoyingly I cant remember the last time i didn't have a breakout. 
So Ive been trying out these masks for around two months now so i can give a full review of my thoughts.

Origins Retexturising Mask

Origins has been one of my favourite skincare brands for a long time although i always use the 'Ginzing' range so this retexturising mask was new for me. This formula includes rose clay so it literally smells so so good, it aims to exfoliate and cleanse the skin. I have dry skin so clay masks don't tend to be the best for me as they feel very drying and this is no different, whilst on my skin it did feel very dry once washed off it felt like it had digged deep into my pores and left my skin nice and soft. 

Pure Face Masks 

I received three Pure face masks, a nourishing, brightening and deep cleansing face mask, these are a brand i had never heard of and are actually one of M&S's own brands. As i said i have very dry skin so for my the nourishing mask works amazingly, so much so this is the product I'm reaching for most when my skin is going through a rough patch, nothing else leave my face so soft and hydrated. It literally works miracles for my dry skin. The brightening and deep cleansing masks are equally as good but again clay isn't suited to my dry skin although both masks to leave my skin looking a lot healthier and feeling fresher.

Glam Glow Youthmud Tinglefoliate Treatment

I don't know about you but I had wanted to try out Glam Glow for so long, last year they were all over my Instagram so i was looking forward to trying this. Upon applying this makes your skin all tingly, i personally like this as it makes me feel as though its actually doing something! It can get a bit messy as it does have a grainy consistency but anything like this i just apply with a old makeup brush, it left my skin really soft and exfoliated. It feels as though it digs deep into your pores and overall reduces pores and nay redness too.

Pixi Glow-02 Oxygen Mask 

This oxygen mask by Pixi, one of my all time favourite brands they just smash everything skincare and makeup and Marks & Spencer's have the biggest collection on the high street! I love this mask, upon applying it becomes a foamy, bubbly texture which i love! This is a quick mask to use as its meant to be left on the face for only 3 minutes, so i wouldnt class this as a intense treatment but it leaves your skin feeling to fresh and bright!

REN Glycolactic Radiance Renewal Mask

Now this Ren Glycolytic Radiance Renewal face mask is one I've been loving, i already use a REN face wash which i love and i feel like this accompanies this very well. This smells amazing, literally smells like oranges which i love, the formula i almost gel like which made my dry skin feel amazing, i honestly feel as though this makes such a difference to my skin.

Which masks are you loving??

* Disclaimer: products were sent for reviewing purposes

My Make-up Brush Set

18 May 2018
Im back with a new blog post after seven weeks, life got crazy from uni work to starting a new job life has taken over but i have finally got round to writing a new post.

So i recently received these gorgeous brushes from the guys over at my make-up brush set so I've been trying them for a while now so i can give you my opinions on them!

My make-up brush set

My make-up brush set

My make-up brush set

Firstly we must comment on the design, these brushes are just so pretty with their mermaid design! This comes as one set the 5 Piece Rainbow Mermaid Set personally their are two brushes i get more use out of, one for contour and another for my eye shadow and i love them.

The brushes themselves are super soft making application feel amazing  although i do feel as though you have to be careful to not leave marks from brush strokes on your face but then again i do find this with a lot of brushes so isn't unusual. I find these are easy to clean too which is most definitely a bonus, who wants to make a tedious job any more tedious.

I would definitely recommend checking them out as they have a huge range of different brushes in different patterns  aswell as actual makeup which I'm yet to try myself so their is bound to be something everyone loves and they are also a bargain at around £15 a set with five brushes included.

What makeup brushes are you loving right now?

Rosie for Autograph

28 March 2018
So I recently received this package of rose gold goodness, as you can imagine i was so so happy i mean i honestly do feel so so lucky to receive packages like these! All these products are from Rosie for autographs collection available at Marks & Spencer both online and instore! Also bonus, all products are not tested on animals!

This Starstruck lip and cheek colour is a two in one product to be used either as a lip of check product, this is in shade pink personally i love chubby sticks i find them so easy to use and this was no different. Im not going to lie me and blush aren't a match made in heaven i don't tend to wear it very often as I'm more of a bronzer and contour person. Having said that i have been trying this out and really enjoying it, i don't apply to much just a dab on each check and then blend it out and it adds a little colour to your cheeks and gives you that fresh natural glow. This is available for £15 which isn't bad, in my opinion! 


So I received two of Rosie's lipsticks, these are in shades super model kiss and dolly baby, firstly again ow amazing is the packaging of these??! Like every other blogger i am instantly drawn to rose gold! I love the formula of these, they are literally so soft on the lips, i used to be a matte lipstick girl but I'm really loving more shiny lips at the minute so these are perfect, especially for the upcoming spring (if it ever arrives) and summer months. The colour pigmentation is great too and they last quite a while after a few hours i do find myself topping up but thats nothing unusual for me. These are £14 which i would say is about average for a lipstick these days.


This Insta Glow Blusher (summer sunrise) has the best packaging is it just me that would love to just never use this product, its just so pretty!! Personally i use this as a highlighter more than a blush and it adds such a pretty seen to my cheeks I really love it even i did have to ruin the pretty pattern to use it! The colour is subtle not too pink which is what i always go for in a highlighter, this is priced at £20 which is more on the expensive side for a highlighter but i honestly do think it is worth it!


This Anniversary Makeup Palette has 6 creamy eyeshadows, 4 being limited edition ones, a bronzer, a cream blush and a highlighter. I love multi use palettes like this they are perfect for travelling when your trying to pack lightly. Ive been using the bronzer a lot and really enjoy using it, its like a medium shade so would really suit lots of different skin tones. They eyeshadows are also very nice not all of them i would use on a daily basis but the gold and brown shades are perfect for every day and the pigmentation is great! So far I've been loving using this palette and it comes in very handy! 
Also i think this is very reasonably priced at £25! 


 This eyeshadow palette is one of my favourites for the collection, the shades are just so wearable and pretty! Also notice the smudge in the  bottom left shade, well typical me accidentally got my nail in there before i even got a chance to take a picture how annoying!! I really like the formula of these, the eyeshadows are creamy and look gorgeous on your lids and last so long!! Again the packaging is gorgeous and the big mirror is also a bonus! This is priced at £18 which for four eyeshadows i think it pretty good value!


 This Insta Lash Mascara is amazing, it doesn't clog at all and it really does make your eyelashes look longer, although some reviews online stated this clogged a lot i haven't found it too at all. Theres not much i can say about mascara but i have really been enjoying using it although i put two coats on to build it up if i want my eyelashes to look thicker but for day to day use one coat is enough. This is available in black and in black and brown which i think is great as they normally just have black. This is priced at £15.

Overall i have been loving trying out the range and would really recommend it to anyone and right now if you spend £25 on Rosie's range then you receive a free perfume, enjoy!